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How to Update Your Retail Store Hours On Google and Facebook

If you’re an e-commerce brand with a physical location, make sure you update your store’s hours! Whether you’ve shuttered your brick and mortar operations for the interim, or have reduced hours as an essential business, make sure search and social accurately reflect your store’s availability to ensure your customers don’t end up showing up to closed doors. They won’t be happy.

Not sure what to do? Here are some suggestions.

How to Update Your Store’s Hours On Google

If Google My Business is new to you, make sure you sign up first (it’s free!). If you already have an account, here’s how to update your hours in Google:

  1. Sign into Google My Business and click manage to find the location you want to edit.

  2. Click Info on the left menu.

  3. Make changes to the hours and make sure you click Apply.

For brands with 10+ locations, you can make bulk updates. More information on that here.

How to Update Your Store’s Hours On Your Facebook Page

Second to Google Search, your customers are likely looking you up on Facebook for your store’s hours. Here’s how to updates on your store’s Facebook Page:

  1. Login to Facebook and navigate to your businesses’s Facebook Page.

  2. Click Edit Page Info on the left side of the Page.

  3. Select the Open on selected hours under the Hours section.

  4. Click Time and update your store’s hours.

  5. Click Save Changes.

If you don’t see an Hours section, you may need to change your Page’s Category.

Communicate Your New Hours

Not all your customers will seek the new information. While you can’t reach every customer who might try to visit you, you’ll want to be proactive in trying to make sure new hours are communicated. Here’s where you can communicate your store’s new hours:

  • Create a text or image post on Facebook.

  • Upload an image of new hours on IG and Twitter.

  • Create a Story on FB and IG with your new hours.

  • Send new hours in your email newsletter.

  • Make a quick blogpost with new hours.

  • Update other social profiles where you list your hours, such as YouTube, Pinterest, etc.

Now that you’ve updated everything… don’t forget to change it back when the time comes!